Project news

Revised sketch plan March 24
We are excited to report that the first consultation with statutory bodies is complete and we have a revised sketch plan of the church refurbishment and new visuals - see the homepage. The new plan takes into account their feedback and yours from the consultation last summer. You may like to see the latest plan on the display boards in Church.
Our next step is the development of the detailed plans in preparation for submitting a faculty to the Diocese so we can obtain permission for the project. We need to raise £38,000 now so this work can start.
After this, our next fundraising priority will be repairing the North Aisle box gutter and both pitches of the roof (lead and stone repairs), so they are watertight and ready for the installation of solar panels and air source heat pumps on that area of the roof. The estimated cost is £90,000. Thank you so much for your support.
Nave roof completed - July 2021
Despite high winds and rain in May, which resulted in some days when work on the nave roof was not possible, work was finally completed in July, including removal of the scaffolding.
Wooden boards along the ridge line and the abutment with the west wall needed replacing. Laying the new lead on the part of the roof which abuts the tower proved to be a very complicated procedure. It required much dressing of the lead to follow the contours of the tower wall.
Watch our latest video of the making of a lead rain hopper for St Sampson's South Transept roof

South Transept Roof Repairs Completed
On 16 December 2021, the roofing contractors finished the roof repair on the South Transept. After approximately 10 weeks of work, punctuated by poor weather conditions and unscheduled wooden structure repairs, it is fantastic that this first milestone has been reached.

Funding secured to allow first stage of project to proceed.
26th October 2020
The first stage of much needed repairs to the roof of St Sampson’s Church have begun, thanks to a £20,000 grant which St Sampson’s Church PCC has received from Crapper & Sons Ltd, and a £10,000 grant from Hills Group Ltd. The grant was made available through the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) which is administered for Crapper & Sons Ltd. and Hills Group Ltd. by Community First, the Rural Community Council for Wiltshire.
Our thanks are also due for grants which have also been awarded by the Red Lion Charity and Wiltshire Historic Churches.