Appeal FAQS
Here are some frequently asked questions relating to the St Sampson's Church refurbishment project.
What work is needed?
The leaking roofs in the Nave and South Transept have been repaired. Following our community consultation, we have identified the following needs for the interior of St Sampson's Church:
Improved eco-friendly heating so the church is warm and usable throughout the year
Accessibility improvements as currently we are not DDA compliant
New flooring will also remove steps to improve accessibility
Improved and increased toilet facilities, currently only one toilet
Improved kitchen, too small for the size of the church
Improved internal lighting, currently woefully inadequate
Glass doors to increase natural light and create a more welcoming environment
Modern sound system and audio-visual system
More flexible use of space and seating
Meeting rooms for church and community use
For the interior, the floor in the Nave needs replacing due to the presence of Deathwatch Beetle and dry rot. The Deathwatch Beetle is a species of woodboring beetle that sometimes infests the structural timbers of old buildings. The heating system also needs replacing so it is effective and efficient and this is planned to be done using renewable energy technologies such as photovoltaic panels and air source heat pumps.
We also need to repair the North Aisle box gutter and both pitches of the roof (lead and stone repairs), so they are watertight and ready for the installation of solar panels and air source heat pumps on that area of the roof. The estimated cost is £90,000.
When is the work planned to start?
Phase 1 - South Transept Roof completed by Christmas 2020 at a cost of £51,000.
​Phase 2 - Nave Roof completed in summer 2021.
Phase 3 - working with the architect to develop plans for the inside of the church. Planning to have detailed plans ready for January 2025. Repairs to North Aisle box gutter and roof – aim for completion in summer 2025.
How much will it cost?
We are currently raising £38,000 to fund the development of the the detailed plans in preparation for submitting a faculty to the Diocese so we can obtain permission for the project. The roof repairs needed for the solar panels and air source heat pumps will cost around £90,000. The estimate for the refurbishment work inside the church is £1.75m.
How can I help?
You can support the appeal by donating to the cause. All donations no matter how small will be much appreciated. You can also support us by coming to the many fundraising events we have planned. There will be something for everyone!
I’m not a church-goer, why should I support this appeal?
We are passionate about making the church a comfortable, flexible space with improved facilities that the whole community in Cricklade can use. We hope that it will not only be a place of worship, but a community space that organisations and groups of all ages can use and enjoy.
Will there still be weddings and christenings?
As our plans and phases for the work become clearer, we will know when the church is likely to be closed. For now, weddings and christenings will continue as planned. If you have a wedding or christening booked and have any queries, please contact the office for further details on 01793 979304.
Who is managing the Appeal?
The Appeal is being managed by a dedicated sub-committee of the Church PCC. This is made up of members of the Church, friends and supporters. If you would like to be involved please get in touch!